Last week I told you I was bringing fleshly back. (It’s a word!) I immediately got started. Here are 6 things that feel like they’re already working.
Move your shower to night time or right after work. In the morning, I always feel too rushed to do all the extras like body brushing and even moisturizer, honestly. Later, it feels much more like a treat to put a podcast on, light a candle and attend to myself.
Consign things that don’t feel good on your skin … I had two items I loved visually but they both had high itchy necks. Said goodbye.
Try “tonalizing” your at-home wear. At this point we already know to ABMO, yes? I did this little change of trying more tonal outfits at home versus my usual sort of young, boyish hodgepodge. Don’t tell me this is hard! Just take the same stuff 9sweats, tees, cardigans, whatever) and go for uniform colors. It actually makes me feel different.
Mix self tanner drops with body serum. Specifically I used these which say they’re for the face but worked great on my body too. But I also just noticed these for the body, which contain the magic word: “firming.” Prob BS but dare to dream. I mix them with this — because it also exfoliates and it has the right slippery, melt-in consistency. When I did this, I woke up tawny (!) and my sheets remained unaffected.
Put back all the borrowed randos: In the middle of the night I get cold and throw on my hub’s sweatshirt. I give my son a tee shirt he doesn’t like so I put it with mine. Sound familiar? And then I end up wearing them around. I have my own things. For a reason. So I returned or donated them.
Upgrade your “comfy” undies. OMG OMG OMG OMG. I am so into this underwear I discovered recently (and the ones I like are on sale!) that I actually found the employees on LinkedIn and sent fan letters. They changed my life for real. Why? This underwear and this bra are comfortable, don’t show, fit amazingly, work for everyday, never ping in airport security, wash so easily, work on my small back/larger bust, look so good - racy! - on, and appear to be aligned with my values. I take “SDD” in the bra, which *actually* supports WITHOUT UNDERWIRE and Medium in the underwear.
- have you tried?
p.s. I also ordered new pajamas! But I want to try them out before sharing, so BRB on that one.
Oh no oh no I had momentarily forgotten ABMO (and it shows in the PBS tee shirt and weird jeans I’m wearing currently) appreciate the refresh 🫡
Also what a great tip to dress tonal at home. I’m totally going to do this (and I need to clean out my tshirt drawer also)