Apr 12Liked by Hey Mrs. Solomon on Style

This is so good! I don't think I am Type A, but leaving things undone when I started doing them bothers me - even just the thought makes me sweat. In the chase after the next thing and the next and the next, I feel like we have become the ones being chased - by shops, department stores, algorithms, whatever. I feel more satisfaction - relief even - at the end of a hunt than during the hunt for a piece, and that's not what things are about (for me). I think I've lost myself in the process of frantically searching for things that used to bring me joy, and I don't want to feel that way. Festina lente. xx

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We have become the ones being chased. Genius. Yes.

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Apr 21Liked by Hey Mrs. Solomon on Style

This was super interesting to me! I'm most definitely a slacker buyer (and a bit of a slacker in most fields of life, to be honest -- I'm a chronic overthinker but definitely not a Type A). For me, too much slacking off leads to mindless impulse buying and buying stuff that's only "nice" or "so-so", just because I feel that I need that dopamine kick. I'm sure there's a sweet spot somewhere in between the two poles! There's beauty in moderation for sure.

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That’s a good point— the person demanding perfection is useful when it comes to deciding…. Or another way to look at it: I don’t feel sure so I’m going to slack off and do nothing.

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Apr 17Liked by Hey Mrs. Solomon on Style

This really spoke to me! I feel like you are describing me perfectly around my shopping tendencies and a kind of "perfectionism" that permeates everything I do, including around shopping. Window shopping, just looking, browsing, flitting in and out, not thinking so hard, not being so dang thorough. I need this! I feel IG in particular is really a double-edged sword for me: On the one hand, my style is SO MUCH BETTER since I've engaged more with this community. On the other hand, all the hyper-consciousness about style, curating your closet, finding the holy grail items, filling holes, 16 things you can't live without, etc. etc. are prompting me to turn shopping into work and doing a "good job" at it (which means a perfect job). It's a tough line to navigate.

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Yes! It’s good to put it in its rightful place — play vs work — and takes constant reminders to self 😘

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Apr 14Liked by Hey Mrs. Solomon on Style

The Law of Diminishing Returns. My freneticness is seasonal. I'm in the PNW and when the summer collections land it is still way too cool here. I panic, realizing that when I'm finally in the mood for summer, anything I love has sold out. So I fill my carts but buy very little. By July when it's actually warm, and I am in the summer mood, I've had enough! The lists look tired and sparce just as the sales start. I love the PNW but there is something settling about the eternal warmth of Florifa!

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Yes, I totally get that!

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Apr 13Liked by Hey Mrs. Solomon on Style

I think one can call this “browsing”- and it is a delightful way to shop! Funny this is- I recently started “working” in a clothing consignment shop (retirement “job”) after a hospitality career- and after seeing clothes come in new with tags, and being around clothes, I actually don’t feel the need to shop. Mind you the clothes are often wonderful. And I thought that I would be snagging items all the time. However this podcast did remind that I do “need”? that white cotton jacket (yes- I live in Charleston,SC) so the warmish weather had already started….And you are so spot on- fellow Type A or “retiring” Type A here!

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Ok yes. In high school I worked in a bakery and the first week I ate everything in sight, including a giant spoonful of frosting. Ok cupful. And then after that I was just over all of it.

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Apr 13Liked by Hey Mrs. Solomon on Style

So I love the podcast but it’s not going to take the place of your written letters is it? I can’t watch it on the train sans headphones lol!

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😂 thank you and no… I am still posting a couple times a week and just added in the podcast

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Apr 12Liked by Hey Mrs. Solomon on Style

Loved this. My aunt and I used to call it “stupid shopping” - just go to mall without a list in your head!

Also - Did you wear a music tee today bc of your epiphany yesterday?

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I love that. And I am sure on some level I did … also one of my fave tees! I love Squeeze (obvs)!

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Apr 12Liked by Hey Mrs. Solomon on Style

Omg ‘MEEEEEE to a T!!!!! Trying to stop multi tasking in all I do too. And maybe to totally quit shopping on line and ago out and do it. That will slow it down a lot! BTW who makes your glasses? Love them!

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Aww thank you and it does feel good if you can break yourself of it … they are old pre pandemic Prada sunglasses that I just had made prescription

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