As someone who has some suit PTSD from a prior lifetime, I found this riveting! Love the idea of anchoring yourself to that Prada suit and adding to it over time. Definitely appropriating a page from the old boy men's clothes traditionally leant themselves to this strategy.
Ah...and the jacket behind the chair as a signal of indentured servitude....:-( I had *almost* forgotten.
You know how much I love the journey of life paired with fashion that accompanied (and elevated!) you along the way. Thank you for sharing your suit and style evolution 🤩
As someone who has some suit PTSD from a prior lifetime, I found this riveting! Love the idea of anchoring yourself to that Prada suit and adding to it over time. Definitely appropriating a page from the old boy men's clothes traditionally leant themselves to this strategy.
Ah...and the jacket behind the chair as a signal of indentured servitude....:-( I had *almost* forgotten.
I'm so glad you liked reading it, if not walking with me down "memory lane" --- grrrrr.
You know how much I love the journey of life paired with fashion that accompanied (and elevated!) you along the way. Thank you for sharing your suit and style evolution 🤩
Thanks so much for your note, dear C. xx
Love this so much ---
AWWW day made xoxox